Innovative and fateful and large-scale public projects aimed at the reconstruction of post-war Ukraine,
in which the GS "Association of Volunteer Teams of Ukraine" decided to participate as actively as possible.

In addition to the current priority of the powerful volunteer assistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the approach of the VICTORY of Ukraine in the liberation war over the racist Russian Federation, its overriding civil mission of the GS "Association of Volunteer Commands of Ukraine" (hereinafter AVKU), already during the war, considers it necessary to actively prepare civil society for its post-war restructuring in the direction of deepening democracy and people-centered reform of public administration.

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Views: 209 | Added: vmel | Дата: 2023-06-27 | Comments (0)

Charity event in Sovki Park 09/02/2023  ... Read more »

Views: 221 | Added: Dmytriyy | Дата: 2023-09-04 | Comments (0)

The head of the GS "Association of Volunteer Commands of Ukraine" Bohdan Kolodiy, together with the commander of the 131st armored personnel carrier of the Sviatoshyn district of Kyiv, Andriy Ageev, took part in the laying of the "Heroes of Ukraine Square" in the Sviatoshyn district in honor of those who died in the criminal terrorist war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine.  ... Read more »

Views: 173 | Added: Dmytriyy | Дата: 2023-08-30 | Comments (0)

At the invitation of the Weightlifting Federation, to the Kyiv open weightlifting championship among adults, youth and cadets, as the head of the "Association of Volunteer Teams of Ukraine" Kolodiy Bohdan Vasyliovych was invited to take part in the preparation of the event and the ceremonial awarding of the winners, because the "Association Volunteer Teams of Ukraine" also takes care of sports and patriotic education of youth.  ... Read more »

Views: 189 | Added: Dmytriyy | Дата: 2023-08-15 | Comments (0)

To organize broad cooperation in improving the coordination of actions in providing assistance to the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the leaders of the A7297 military unit, the Public Union "Association of Volunteer Commands of Ukraine" and the Svyatoshyn District State Administration in the city of Kyiv signed a memorandum of cooperation and interaction today. ... Read more »

Views: 191 | Added: Dmytriy | Дата: 2023-08-03 | Comments (0)

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