Completion of the official visit of the delegation from the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy to the spiritual sanctuaries of Greece.

The official visit of the Kyiv Orthodox delegation has ended

theological academy to institutions of higher theological education and sanctuaries of Greece.

The members of the delegation, led by the rector, Professor Archpriest Oleksandr Trofymlyuk, visited the Wallachian Academy of Theological Studies. Here, the guests from Ukraine met with the director of the institute, Professor Pantelis Kalaitzidis, with scientific staff and Metropolitan Ignatius (Georgakopoulos) of Demetrias of the Orthodox Church of Greece.

The delegation was accompanied by the Consul of Ukraine in Thessaloniki Oleksandr Sosonyuk.

The Volos Academy is well known throughout the world for its modern Orthodox theology program, as well as for the series of international seminars, conferences, lectures, round tables and publications it has organized on such topics as Orthodoxy and Modernity, Orthodoxy and Secularization, Orthodoxy and human rights, theology and modern literature, theology and philosophy, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, political theology, public theology, feminist theology, religion and globalization, religious nationalism and fundamentalism, migration as a theological challenge, etc.

It was founded in 2000 as a forum of thought and dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the wider scientific community around the world, and in 2014 it was recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Greece as a national research institution.

Since 2019, a number of teachers and students of institutions of higher theological education of Ukraine have been participating in international internships conducted by the academy every year.

The main purpose of the visit was to establish scientific relations and sign the Cooperation Agreement between the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy and the Wallachian Academy of Theological Studies.

At the end, with the blessing of the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphanius of Kyiv and All Ukraine, Archpriest Oleksandr Trofymluk awarded Professor Panteleis Kalaitzidis with the "Cross of Freedom" award.

From the Chairman of the Public Union "Association of Volunteer Teams of Ukraine", Bohdan Kolodiy, the professor received a "Dream" collectible coin as a gift.

I sincerely thank the entire delegation for the fruitful work, interesting meetings and successful implementation of the joint tasks assigned to our group!

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