Continuation of the official visit of the delegation from the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy to the Greek spiritual community - May 2023.

A delegation from the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy visited the Athonias School of Athos in Karias

The Athoniada Academy was founded in the 18th century by Eugene Bulgaris, the future Bishop of Slavic and Kherson with a see in Poltava, and the last Cossack Ataman of the Zaporozhian Sich, Petro Kalnyshevsky, was the tutor of the Athoniada Academy.

Each academic year, the school enrolls about 100 students aged 12 and older, boys from Greece and other countries. Athoniad's students have no contact with their families and friends; school teachers replace their parents, as they pray in churches, eat and live together with the children.



For young men who have decided to connect their lives with the service of the Lord, studying at Athoniad is very promising, as after graduation they will be able to enter the theological faculties of Greek higher education institutions without exams.

In memory of the visit, the school administration presented a textbook of dogmatic theology to the students.

In turn, Metropolitan Fedir Bubniuk presented the school with a painting.



On May 13, a delegation from the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy headed by its rector, Professor Archpriest Oleksandr Trofymliuk, visited St. Andrew's Skete on Mount Athos.



Our delegation from the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy visited the Koutloumoush Monastery (Greek: Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου) on the Holy Mount Athos, the sixth in the hierarchy of Athos monasteries, built near the modern city of Karies.



Among the greatest relics of the monastery are the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "All-Merciful Intercessor" and parts of the Life-Giving Cross.



It was a pleasure for our delegation to come and stay with the brothers of the Esphigmenou Monastery.


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